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Piano-Playing & The 3 Most Desired Pianist Traits

By Jennifer Marie Anderson

It's easy to see that well-versed pianists have similar character traits, from one individual to the next. I am sure that most can attest to this, especially when there are so many different styles of music that music enthusiasts can attest to. With that said, though, I think that it would be most important to talk about which of the aforementioned traits stand out the most. If you want to talk about the most useful ones, here are 3 main points to go over.

Music theory graduates, as well as other authorities, can attest to the importance of work ethic. Even though you may have the goal of learning about different genres, as well as the songs associated with them, you must possess the drive needed to learn. While it may seem like a lofty challenge, especially to those who are just starting out, this isn't an impossible endeavor to undertake. It's just a matter of how much work you're willing to put into this.

The inclination to practice is yet another trait to take into account. This is true for virtually any pianist, as he or she can play for multiple days per week, sharpening their skills along the way. Not only will they understand how to place their hands, relative to the keys, but the types of sounds that different keys can produce. Aspects like these are just a few which come with practice, and it's easy to see that it matters to former music students and other authorities in music.

Dedication is, perhaps, the most important character trait that cannot be overlooked. Learning how to play any musical instrument is something of a task, and no one can deny that piano is the same. It's not enough to simply go through the motions and play the same songs over and over again; you must make the effort to learn new songs and expand your knowledge from there. These are just a few ways in which the highest level of dedication can be shown.

To say that a pianist possesses numerous traits would be something of an understatement. Many others can attest to this sentiment, especially those who have learned how to play piano from the youngest ages possible. Learning how to play music should be fun, more than anything else, and it's easy to see that different characteristics can make the learning experience much easier. Once these are exhibited, the effectiveness of said learning experience will be hard to deny.

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