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Creating Healthy Drinking Water

Benefits of Drinking Water Given the importance of water, then the advice given was that we should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or about two to two and a half liters of water. Here are some of the benefits of water for the body:
Make a healthier body
If sufficient water intake, this can help make the distribution of nutrients throughout the body becomes so well that all the cells in the body
can repair itself with these nutrients. By drinking water as recommended will also alleviate the kidneys and liver work that can help us avoid kidney and liver diseases.
Facilitate digestion
Drinking water helps the disposal of metabolic poisons more smoothly. This will help us avoid digestive diseases such as stomach ulcers and constipation.
Adding natural beauty
Lack of water will make our skin look dry and wrinkled. Water will help keep the skin supple so keep looking young and naturally beautiful.
Water can lose weight. Why? Because water is not calorie, fat free, cholesterol free and low natrium.Selain it, water helps the body fat stored outlines.

For those who are dieting, water can be a friend who should not be forgotten. By drinking warm water before eating, will help you feel full so that will reduce appetite and reduce our food portions. Drinking water will not make fat because water does not contain calories, sugars and fats.
Increasing fertility
To you who are planning a pregnancy, it was water can help increase fertility because it stimulates the production of the male hormone testosterone and estrogen in women.
How Many who had to be drunk?

Without taking in enough water, the body can be susceptible to disease. So, be sure to consume at least 8 glasses each day, or about at least two liters of water. Every day, about two liters of water wasted through the skin, lungs, intestines, and kidneys.

This lost water must be changed so that we do not become dehydrated. If you are short of water or become dehydrated, so some signs such as headache, fatigue, aches, urine is concentrated, are not resistant to heat, as well as mouth and dry eyes will be on your body.

How much water to drink every day? For healthy people need a minimum of two to two and a half liters of water a day. If you exercise, then you will need more water. Likewise, if you live in hot climates. For those who are obese, need to drink an extra glass of water for every extra 10 kilograms of ideal body weight. However, contrary to some people with certain diseases such as heart failure or renal dysfunction, some doctors recommend not drinking too much water. This too must be with the consultant recommendations.

Do not substitute water with other liquids such as fruit juice. Although a healthy body, fruit juices contain calories. Similarly, beverages that contain sugar and milk, will also make the body needs more water to digest. Especially if you drink much alcohol or caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. These drinks have a diuretic properties of compounds that increase the flow of art, so we need to drink more water to replace what was removed.

Therefore, do not drink water when you feel thirsty. When you feel thirsty, then you probably already dehydrated. Therefore, drink at least 8 glasses a day or 2 to 2.5 liters per day for your health. Drink a glass of water right now.

Benefits avocado

Almost every part of the avocado tree has a benefit. Avocado tree useful timber as fuel. Seeds and leaves can be used in the apparel industry. Leather tree can be used for coloring chocolate products made from leather.

In the field of beauty, an avocado is also often used as a facial mask. The fruit is considered capable of making the skin tighter. Avocado fruit is also beneficial for hair care such as when doing creambath.

In addition, as fruit, avocados are also of course can be enjoyed as a delicious meal. The various dishes served with avocado added as part of the meal.

Substance rich in Avocado Benefits

Avocado or avocado contain nutrients that are very high. Avocado
or avocado contains at least 11 vitamins and 14 minerals are beneficial. Avocado is rich in protein, riboflavin (otherwise known as vitamin B2), niacin (otherwise known as vitamin B3), potassium (or better known as potassium), and vitamin C.

Also avocados contain fat that is high enough. But do not be afraid because the fat in avocados is similar to fat in olive oil is very healthy. Fat contained in avocados is monounsaturated fat which has a positive effect in the body. Fat in avocados is also used in making soap and cosmetics.

Here are explanations of several substances in avocado or avocado that will benefit our bodies:
Vitamin E and vitamin A
Vitamin E is known as a vitamin that is useful for smoothing the skin. The mixture of vitamin E and vitamin A is very useful in skin care. The combination of vitamin E and vitamin A make skin supple, remove wrinkles, making skin look young and fresh.
Potassium or Potassium
Potassium (also known as potassium) contained in avocados can reduce depression, prevent precipitation in the body fluids and can lower blood pressure.
Unsaturated fat
In the avocado is high vegetable fat is not saturated. Fats are useful to lower blood cholesterol (LDL), which means it can prevent stroke, high blood pressure, cancer or heart disease. Unsaturated fat in avocados is also easily digested so the body can provide maximum results in the body. Unsaturated fat in avocados also contain anti-bacterial and anti fungal.
Oleic acid
Oleic acid is a powerful antioxidant that can capture free radicals in the body due to pollution. Free radicals in the body will cause a variety of health complaints.
Vitamin B6Vitamin this sidrom efficacious to relieve pre-menstrual or pre-menstruation (PMS) that generally affects women every month.
Iron and Copper
This substance is required in the process of regeneration of the blood thus preventing anemia.
Mangaan and Zinc Mineral
The element is useful to relieve high blood pressure, heart rate monitor and maintain nerve function remained intact.

Healthy Living with Avocado

In some parts of the world, this fruit is considered as one of the exotic and rare fruits. Avocado may have played an important role in your diet. Having felt the various dishes that contain avocado or avocado, you may be able to say that the fruit is really a lot of benefits and also the delicious fruit!

Fish Spa with Garra rufa

Garra rufa Original Garra rufa fish live in rivers in the Middle East countries such as Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq. Age 4 to 6 years with a maximum length of 12 cm. However, fish used for therapy is still a small fish that are 3-6 months old, generally has a length of 1.5 to 2 cm. This fish can live in water with a temperature of 0 to 43 degrees Celsius.

In Turkish society, a spa with this fish has been known since 200 years ago. However, this therapy only fish known to bloom in Asia, Europe and America since 2006. At the beginning of its discovery,
the fish is mistaken for carnivorous fish. At that time, when a group of people in the river Kangal, Turkey, these fish swarming around their feet. However, they did not find their feet hurt even they feel their bodies felt fresher. That is, an onset that this fish finally made one of therapy to cure disease.

Fish Therapy
To gain the maximum benefit, you should notice the cleanliness and health of the pond. Does the pool have a good filter system? What is the procedure that must pass before trying this therapy? Better, is a special pool for people with certain skin diseases are not affiliated with a public pool that is not contagious disease.

Before you start entering into the pool feet, the feet will be cleared first. Purpose is to make clean feet from dust, lotions or lainnnya chemicals that can make a fish drunk or do not go near your feet. The first time you insert the foot, you will feel amused by "invasion" of this fish. Furthermore, you also can feel a little like an electric shock. This small fish is happy to eat dead skin cells. However, because these fish have no teeth, it will not be dangerous and hurt your feet. Instead, you will feel a sense of amusement as smoked fish. They will continue to stick to your feet while continuing to eat dead skin cells.

Although these fish like to eat dead human skin, but they are also given other fish food and vitamins to stay healthy. This was done so that the fish remain healthy.

Benefits of Fish Spa
By eating dead skin cells that exist, then your feet will be cleaner, much more subtle and is believed to mengobat certain skin diseases such as dry eczema and psoriasis (red and scaly skin). When sucking the skin off, Garra rufa fish will also salivate enzyme containing dithranol (anthralin) which will stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Benefits, will reduce the itching of the skin and scars blemishes.

In addition to beauty and skin health, this fish can also provide other positive effects for the body. When these fish suck up our legs, feet will feel the shock-generated small shock from the crowd of fish that can stimulate acupuncture points on the soles of the feet and make a smooth blood circulation. In order to obtain maximum results, therapy should be done regularly 2 to 3 times a week for 3 months.

Saw fish running and swift sucking dead skin can create feelings of relaxation. Not to mention a sense of amused by sucking up small fish are. You can definitely feel the sense of comfort that will make you relax.

So, in addition to physical health, health and peace of mind you can also enjoy. In particular spa, you can not only have to insert foot overrun Garra rufa fish, but you can try to soak the entire body as she felt the gentle suction the baby Garra rufa fish is. Intend to try?

Function Daun Sirih

Essential oil of betel leaf oil contains fly (betIephenol), seskuiterpen, starch, diatase, sugar and tannin substances and who have the power chavicol deadly germs, antioksidasi and fungicides, anti-fungal. Betel potent body odors that eliminates bacteria and fungi generated. Betel leaf is also holding the bleeding, heal wounds on the skin, and gastrointestinal disorders. It also is wrinkled, remove phlegm, saliva shed, hemostatik, and stop the bleeding. Purpose
1. Coughing
2. Sprue
3. Bronchitis
4. Acne
5. Whitish
6. Toothache due to holes (leaves)
7. Dengue fever
8. Bad breath
9. Menstrual irregularities
10. Asthma
11. Sore throat (leaves and oil)
12. Swollen gums (sap)

Foreign Usage
1. Eczema
2. Burns
3. Scabby (pyodermi)
4. Foot ringworm
5. Ulcer
6. Nosebleed
7. Eye
8. Bleeding gums
9. Reducing milk production
10. Eliminate itching

Usually a bloody nose for drugs, used 2 pieces of Piper betle leaves fresh, washed, rolled and then inserted into the nose Iubang.

Chewing betel has been linked with mouth cancer and throat squamous cell carcinoma.

With You Can Banana Skin So Soft

Bananas not only ok for food. In some countries even the banana has been used as a mixture of cosmetics to address dry skin and remove the stain. The way white yogurt mixed with 50cc, 2 tablespoons of honey and one destroyed banana until blended. Use this mixture as a face mask and neck and let sit for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold water as usual. Apply this mask once a week for removing stains on the face.

Benefits Fruit For Face Skin

Hey, long time we did not include some tips & tricks for you, and now let us refer to her new tips related to skin type and Benefits Fruit face. These tips would have been familiar to readers of Info Skin, but we can just forget about the tips like this one or even frequently to cool it, well, hopefully these tips will remain useful for loyal readers Skin Info yes ...
One part of the body that can menjunjang the face of your appearance. With a face clean and fresh, you will be more confident. There are many ways to maintain the freshness of the face, one with vitamin use on fruit.

Permaslahan any tergandung facial skin types. There was a greasy, with the characteristics of the oil out continuously on the face on the forehead, nose, chin (the term "T"), and cheek bone in the bottom cheeks. In general, this type of skin covered with acne easy. For this type, then the cucumber can help overcome them. This nutritious fruit smooths and relaxes the skin, helps relieve the pores and remove dirt from the skin. Thus acne can be prevented. In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes can also help restore the balance of oil on oily skin, so the face is always fresh and natural.

Type the second skin is dry skin types. Usually the skin looks dull or glossy, sometimes feels tense (interested), flaky, and itchy. Situation biscuits pores often appear withered and rough, and wrinkled, so it looks older than actual age. Fruit is good for consumption for this type of facial skin carrots dalah *. Vitamin A in carrots is required for maintenance of epithelial tissue (tissue that is the skin surface). In carrot carotene also serves to keep skin moist slows wrinkles on the face, and making faces were always lit. In addition, pineapple fruit can also be an alternative for you. Because this fruit contains a substance that functions summarizing the pores so the skin looks smooth.

Another case with normal skin types. In between the two types of skin was, the most ideal is a normal skin types. This type of skin is not oily and not too dry. In addition, the texture is smooth and soft to the touch. For this type of facial skin, an avocado can be your choice. Avocado mask can help care for normal skin types. Therefore, high levels of fat that can moisturize the skin and protects skin from the effects of sunlight.

* Carrots can be consumed in a way menjus raw or cooked carrots

(tips boil vegetables: that vitamins in vegetables remain secure, then before entering the vegetables, salt the cooking water and a little sugar to taste; sugar is useful to keep the vitamins in vegetables stay awake and not discarded with the cooking water.)

Addressing Tips Body Odor

People used to spend half a liter of sweat every day.
most of the sweat evaporates into the air without much trouble, but some do not. when we caught up sweat, for example in the armpits, the bacteria will quickly grow and smell badanlah the terproduksi.
there are several ways to help us fight this body odor:

1. Select your clothes hati2
tight clothing and synthetic type cause more sweat than usual clothing. so best to wear loose-fitting clothes made of cotton so your body can breathe. 2. Use deodorants and antiperspirants
anti-per spirants contain aluminum salts that can reduce sweating by closing the channels of sweat.
deodorants, on the other hand contain antiseptic against bacteria. deodorants help reduce the smell but did not reduce the sweat posteriority.

3. Maintain cleanliness
bathe regularly is paramount in fighting body odor.

4. Avoid hot drinks
hot beverages can increase body heat and increase perspiration. so if you are worried about your body odor, it's good to get used to drink cold water.

5. Use perfume
perfume may not be able to overcome the body sweat instantly, but they will help when bau2 occurred.

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