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How The Mind Works - Program Your Mind For Success

By Ayman de Meijer When we hear the term "mind" we often think of the brain, but the mind is much more than the brain. The brain is the hardware while the mind is the software it runs. When you are dead, your brain will still be there (for a while), but your mind will not.So just what is the mind? If we are going to get any use out of the mind, we need a definition that is useful. Although the word "mind" leads us to believe the mind is a thing,...

Charles Linden Method - An Easy Way To Overcome Your Anxiety

By Lotye Vaillancourt Charles Linden has been working hard towards creating effective stress relief methods for a long time now. Numerous people who have been suffering from anxiety, phobias and fear have benefited greatly from the Charles Linden method. There was a time when Charles himself found it very difficult to overcome the stress and anxiety in his life. Thus, he decided to come up with an effective solution that would not only help him,...

Are Natural Remedies For Anxiety Available? - Anxiety Disorder Explained

By Victoria W. Bergman You may wonder why natural remedies for anxiety are so sought after by so many people lately. Well, if you have ever tried any of the addictive prescriptions for anxiety relief you already know why this is. Many people just don't want to take these kinds of prescriptions to treat anxiety anymore because of the additional problems that can be caused. If you are lucky enough to get your anxiety under control, you often have...

It's Not Early For Retirement Planning

By Bessie D. Burton Clint Eastwood playing "Dirty Harry" warns, "A man's got to know his limitations." This advice is particularly appropriate for financial planners and advisors who are giving advice beyond their expertise. Though I am biased because I have over 27 years of technical expertise in the IRA and retirement plan area, the lack of knowledge in this area can cost clients hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. It is always...

Break The Fear Of Public Speaking

By Margaret R. Ferguson Fear of public speaking -- it's more widespread than we suspect. My daughter, in fact, was an A student in college whose last required class was public speaking. She was so anxious about facing an audience she called me to say, "I may have to drop out of college; I just can't do this dad. Public speaking makes me physically ill." You are not alone. Speaking in public is truly scary for most people, including many whom...

Advice For Those New To Web Page Hosting

By Lee Smith Even though most people have heard of website hosting, they do not know what it means. A web host will provide you with the use of their server, allowing you to create a website, and maintain it there. The following article will answer many other questions you may have about hosting, and how it can work best for you. When you are deciding upon a web host service to retain, make sure you have more than only two options on your shortlist....

Get A Will Writing Service And Save Yourself From Headaches

By Simon Hurst Many people realise the importance of having a will because it protects their family members in case something happens to them. With the right knowledge, getting a will can be very easy. You can even get one by heading to a will writer. It is generally more recommended than using a lawyer because it is cheaper and faster. The process of writing a will can be very tedious. Although it is very important, some people may become...

Learn To Sing Within Your Range

By Sergio S. Brooks Learn to sing high notes and astonish your friends! Shatter the stemware!I wonder if they are floated by the same people who promise you can learn to speak French by 3:30 this afternoon. Or build an Olympic body in just five minutes a day. Does anybody really need to shatter glass? If there is a need to break glass, wouldn't it be easier to use a hammer rather than a singer? Yes, of course I realize that breaking glass is considered...

How To Feel Better In Fifteen Minutes

By Maria M. Moller Do you feel less healthy than you'd like? Do you have health issues that don't want to go away no matter what you do to try to alleviate them?Have you been to doctors, only to have them tell you there's nothing wrong with you?Health is not the absence of disease. It is a state of well being in body, mind and spirit. When you are truly healthy, you'll feel a zest for living, an abundance of energy to get up and go do the things...

Success In Life And How To Achieve It

By Sharon S. Fast Have you ever wondered why some people seem to gain success in life while others seem to fail? What separates successes from failures? And, how can you achieve success in your own life? One of the biggest distinguishing factors between a successful life and a non-successful life lies within you. By shifting your mindset and then some of your daily habits, you can begin to get success in your own life. No matter what you are doing...

Understanding The Laws Of Success

By Troy S. Dutton GOD wanted every individual to succeed. Its the Lord's intent that person should become fantastic. It is God's will that man should not only advantage, but enjoy with every pleasant thing in the universe. The law of success and the universal laws of God present human being the whole thing. A human is born to be powerful. The inborn in him are vast. Each standard human being is provided with a entire set of faculties which,...

Tips For Overcoming Shyness And Social Anxiety

By Monica B. Nice Getting rid of your shyness may seem impossible but with a little effort and the desire to be more outgoing with the opposite sex then you can definitely overcome shyness. It is important to know that the fears you feel when shyness hits you is typically always much worse than the reality of the situation. Fake it until you make it! This is an infamous saying in the sales world.It is a great way to start teaching yourself new...

The Law Of Attraction - The Secret To Successful Life

By Josie Uitendaal Movies such as "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know" have attempted to teach people about the power of the mind and thoughts. Many have seen these movies, read the latest books on the "law of attraction," and attended seminars on manifesting and positive thought techniques. Yet, not many have actually been able to successfully make the law of attraction work for them.For most people, success has been far and few between....

Learn How To Reiki With Online Reiki Courses

By Kenneth L. Johnson To Learn Reiki with online Reiki Courses is a new concept and one which challenges and divides the beliefs of Reiki Masters. Some Reiki masters believe that one must attend a class and be receive the sacred Reiki attunement in person whilst other masters believe one can be successfully attuned via distance attunement or even attune yourself to the energies of Reiki. Western Reiki started out the same way, with masters...

Death By Sugar Addiction

By Masha Kuilboer Can someone actually die from sugar addiction? Yes. The wave of misinformation has confused many people about the real cause of obesity. Fat is not the main reason that leads to obesity. If that was the case, then why do low-fat diets fail miserably? The real culprit here is sugar!Sugar is hidden in almost everything that we eat. Americans consume 141 pounds of sugar per person a year according to the USDA (U.S. Department of...

Phobia Treatment: How To Overcome Your Cynophobia

By Betty K. Heck Being afraid of dogs isn't something to be taken lightly. Although dogs are supposed to be man's best friend - and although they've been the longest domesticated animal - that doesn't stop you from freezing in your tracks when confronted by a dog. Whether it's a seemingly friendly dog, wagging its tail, or a menacing one baring its teeth. So what can you do to overcome your cynophobia? Treatment for bridge phobia consists of...

6 Reasons To Become A Reiki Master

By Esme Chau Since I discovered Reiki over 12 years ago, my life has changed in so many ways, and Gandhi's statement resonates deeply with me.As you walk the Reiki path, and follow the principles of Reiki, you begin to have a much deeper understanding about the meaning and purpose of life.Just for Today is a key message in Reiki, and as you bring yourself to this present moment, you begin to realise that this is all there is! The past has already...

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