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6 Orang Terkaya Sedunia Tanpa Lulus Kuliah

Daftar Orang Terkaya - Tahukah Anda orang-orang tersukses dan otomatis terkaya di jagad ini banyak yang “membelot” dari bangku kuliah? Mereka tidak menjadi sarjana, tapi keyakinan dan tekad menjadi ilmu mereka. Simak daftar “pembelot” tersebut.

bill gatesBill Gates
Bill Gates tercatat sebagai mahasiswa universitas Harvard tahun 1973. Dua tahun kemudian ia menyerah pada rutinitas kampus, memutuskan hengkang, dan mendirikan “Microsoft” bersama teman masa kecilnya, Paull Allen.

Nama Bill menjadi orang tersukses yang gagal menyelesaikan studinya sekaligus menjadi penerima gelar doktor kehormatan dari Harvard, 30 tahun lewat sesudah keputusan desersinya.

Steve Jobs
Jika Steve menyelesaikan kuliahnya, mungkin hari ini tidak ada Macintosh, iPad, iPhone, atau iPod. Steve terpaksa keluar dari bangku kuliah di Ridge University karena kesulitan finansial. Kini Steve telah mendirikan perusahaan Apple, Next Computer, dan Pixar.

James Cameron
Sutradara yang terkenal lewat film Titanic dan Avatar ini mendapat ilmunya bukan dari bangku kuliah. Ia sempat menjadi mahasiswa Fullerton University jurusan psikologi, namun ia memutuskan keluar, menikah dengan seorang pelayan restoran, dan menjadi sopir truk.

Kini sopir truk ini merupakan sutradara Hollywood yang menciptakan film berbiaya tinggi, berkualitas tinggi, berulang kali diganjar penghargaan Oscar.

Tom Hanks
Aktor kawakan ini memilih berkonsentrasi dengan berlatih akting di festival “Great Lakes Theater” di Cleveland. Studi terpaksa ia tinggalkan dan keputusannya kini terbukti benar.

Mark Zuckerberg
Berawal dari kamar asrama Mark membuat jaringan media sosial untuk internal kampusnya, Harvard. Tapi jejaring itu, Facebook, meledak popularitasnya. Akhirnya ia memutuskan keluar dari kampus dan menekuni Facebook dengan mendirikan perusahaan di Palo Alto.

Lady Gaga
Siapa sangka Lady Gaga dulunya merupakan mahasiswa di sebuah sekolah khusus perempuan tertua di Manhattan. Ia bertahan satu tahun saja dan menggebrak dengan semangat nyentriknya, menciptakan lagu-lagu tekno berlirik cerdas. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta ternyata tidak cocok menjadi gadis sekolahan.

Tiger woods
Jika lulus dari Stanford University, harusnya ia menjadi ekonom handal. Tapi setelah dua tahun kuliah, ia memutuskan berkarier professional sebagai pegolf. Kini ia terbukti menjadi “ekonom” sukses dengan melakukan hobinya dan bayaran lebih dari 100 juta dolar AS per tahun. (Funalso/Foto Ist)

The benefits of red tea from the flowers of roselle

There are many benefits that can be obtained from the red rosella flowers. Usually the presentation is often done is dried and brewed into a cup of tea. It felt himself a little sour-sour.
Rosella flower itself contains 260-280 mg of vitamin C, vitamin D, B1 and B2 in each 100 gram. Roselle tea itself contains calcium which is so high around 486 mg / 100 gr. It also contains Magnesium, Omega 3, Vitamin A, Iron, Potassium, Beta Caroteen & Acid Essential. See its contents alone was seen as a big benefit to be gained.

I used to own a little lazy roselle tea. More like coffee. But after the family much to drink. Finally I looked for information about the properties of red roselle. The following information and benefit from this interest:
* The first benefit is to increase stamina and endurance* Interest is the detoxification of roselle (neutralize poison)* Lowers blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, uric acid and body

* With roselle tea drinking can also overcome cough, canker sores and sore throat.* Able to reduce migrane headache.

* Red Rosella can smooth the skin and reduce keriputan.* Make a slender body being able to lose weight. It would have been useful to you ladies. And enough of this tea alone.* Especially for children because of roselle flowers contain OMEGA3, it can spur the growth of DHA.* Incredibly red rosella flowers can also help the addict. Eg smokers could reduce the negative impact of nicotine. Or beneficial to reduce dependence on drugs* And many more other benefits can be gained from this red tea.
In countries with a drink of roselle flowers Sudanese nationality. And many countries that masyaraktnya already feel the benefits of good red roselle were made into tea or other beverages.

Aids can be seen from the mouth

Aids is a highly contagious disease cypress and mass murderers. some of us sometimes do not know definitely secaara AIDS. Here I describe the characteristics of people infected with AIDS in the oral cavity.
AIDS is a collection of symptoms a disease characterized by destruction of the immune system so vulnerable to various infections. AIDS caused by the virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Until now, there can be known with certainty from which start AIDS outbreaks. The disease AIDS is not transmitted through casual contact, but is transmitted through sexual contact, contact with infected blood HIV and through a needle or other medical equipment contaminated with HIV. Conversely AIDS can not be transmitted through insect bites, beverages, or regular contact within the family, school, swimming renanng, public toilet or workplace with AIDS patients.
Clinical symptoms of AIDS AIDS has a broad spectrum of clinical picture. In the early early symptoms are flu-like symptoms. Patients who feel tired Prolonged and without cause, lymph glands dileher, armpits, swollen groin for months and months, decreased appetite / lost continuous fever reaching 39 degrees Celsius or sweating on evenings, diarrhea, weight loss tampa reasons, black wounds on the skin or mucous membranes that are not biased ssembuh, persistent cough and in the throat, easy bruising or bleeding without cause. Symptoms the beginning is often called AIDS Related Complex (ARC). When the circumstances of this disease increases, other malignant disease develops, such as pneumonia (penumocytis carinii), thrush esophagus, cytomegalovirus or herpes, sarcoma sarcoma, tumors Malignant blood vessel.
Dirongga oral manifestations of AIDS Approximately 95% of AIDS patients have manifestations in the head area and neck as well as by Shiod and Pinborg 1987. Manifestations in the mouth often an early sign of HIV infesi
Infections due to fungi (Oral Candidiasis) Kandiasi nulut this far is a sign at the mouth of the most frequently found both in patients with AIDS or AIDS related complex (ARC) and a sign of clinical manifestations in patients with risk group tinggipada over 59% of cases. Oral thrush in AIDS patients can be seen in the form of oral thrush, acute atrophic candidiasis, chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, and stomatis angularis (Perleche).
Viral Infections Infections due to herpes virus group most often seen in AIDS patients and ARC. Virus infection in patients can be seen in the form stomatis herpetiformis, herpes zoster, hairy leukoplakia, cytomegalovirus.
Infections due to bacteria Infections with bacteria can be either HIV or HIV-necrotizing gingivitis periodontitis. a. HIV-necrotizing gingivitis HIV-necrotizing gingivitis can be found in patients with AIDS or ARC. These lesions may be hidden or sudden bleeding time accompanied brushing teeth, pain and halitosis. Necrotizing gingivitis most frequently on the anterior gingiva. On this situation, the sovereign, when interdental and gingival edge will appear red, swelling, or grayish yellow because of necrosis, often bakan ulcrerative severe necrotizing gingivitis and periodontal disease progressive despite oral hygiene and well preserved despite given antibiotics.
b. HIV periodontitis Periodontal disease may take place in a progressive is an early indicator that can be found in HIV infection. Dentist should diagnose early alveolar bone destruction process with a commitment to consider the possibility of HIV infection adnya. This is caused mainly by the fact that some patients AIDS is experiencing rapid alveolar bone destruction.
Neoplasms Kaposi's sarcoma associated with AIDS appears to be a disease a more malignant and usually has spread at the time of initial diagnosis. Approximately 40% of AIDS patients with Kaposi sarcoma died within akn approximately one year and is usually accompanied by other infections opotunistik (Eg pneumocystic carinii, fungi, viruses, bacteria). Oral manifestations sarcoma sarcoma is usually an early sign of AIDS and generally (50%) were found in the mouth of homosexual men. In addition to the mouth, sarcoma This can also be found in the skin of head and neck. Kaposi's sarcoma in the mouth usually seen first as the macula, nodules and plaques are flat or prominent, usually berbewntuk circle and red or purplish. Located on the palate and the size of only a few millimeters up to centimeter. Irregular shape, can be single or multiple and usually asintomatik, so that newly perceived by the patient if the lesion had become quite large.
Other abnormalities in the mouth These abnormalities is not known why, can arise in the form: a. Stomatis aphtosa recurrent, especially the type of major. b. Necrotic ulcer that extends to fausia. c. Xerostomia d. Parotid gland enlargement, especially the children of AIDS patients. e. Idiophatic thrombocytopenia purpura. f. Facial palsy g. Mucosal Addisonian hyperpigmentation h. Lymphadenopathy submandibula. i. Hyperpigmentation melanotik j. Healing old wounds k. Babies who are born with AIDS infection can be deformed faces.

manusia tidak makan dan minum selama hidupnya

Percaya atau tidak! Seorang pria India yang adalah 82 tahun mengaku tidak makan dan minum selama 70 tahun. Prahlad Jani kemampuan bertahan hidup tanpa makanan dan minuman yang menarik perhatian untuk menguji militer India.

Prahlad Jani sekarang terletak di ruang isolasi rumah sakit di Ahmedabad, Gurjarat dan dimonitor oleh tim dokter. Jani sudah di rumah sakit selama enam hari tanpa makan dan minum, dan hasil pemeriksaan tidak ada tanda-tanda mengalami kelaparan dan dehidrasi Jani

Jani Prahlad menghabiskan dua minggu di sebuah rumah sakit di kawasan barat Gujarat India di bawah pengawasan terus menerus dari sebuah tim yang terdiri dari 30 tenaga medis dilengkapi dengan kamera dan televisi sirkuit.

Selama periode itu, ia tidak makan atau minum dan tidak pergi ke toilet.

"Kami masih belum tahu bagaimana dia selamat," kata Sudhir Shah neurologi. "Masih ada misteri apa yang sebenarnya terjadi fenomena ini."
 Pertapa yoga rambut panjang dan janggut terbatas di sebuah rumah sakit di kota Ahmedabad dalam studi yang diprakarsai oleh Pertahanan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Organisasi (DRDO) dari India, lembaga penelitian militer dan pertahanan nasional.

DRDO berharap temuan yang dihasilkan dapat lebih terinci dalam beberapa bulan ke depan dan membantu para prajurit untuk bertahan hidup tanpa makanan dan minuman sama sekali, atau membantu astronot atau bahkan menyelamatkan orang-orang terperangkap dalam bencana alam.

"Jani hanya kontak dengan cairan selama bilas dan mandi secara periodik selama masa studi," kata G. Ilavazaghan, Direktur Institut Fisiologi Pertahanan Ilmu Sekutu (DIPAS) India.

Setelah penelitian, Jani kembali ke desanya dekat Gujarat Ambaji utara di mana dia akan melanjutkan rutin yoga dan meditasi. Dia bilang itu diberkati oleh Allah pada usia dini, yang memberinya kekuatan khusus.

Selama periode pengamatan 15 hari, para dokter mengambil scan berbagai organ tubuh Jani, yaitu otak, jaringan darah, serta jantung, paru-paru dan kapasitas memori.

"Hasil dikumpulkan dalam tren yang aman selama periode observasi," kata Shah dalam konferensi pers.

Hasil lain dari analisis DNA, penelitian biologi molekuler dan tes hormon, enzim, metabolisme energi dan gen akan mengambil beberapa bulan akan selesai.

"Kalau Jani tidak mendapatkan energi dari makanan dan minuman, dia harus memperoleh energi dari berbagai sumber mengelilingi matahari bisa menjadi salah satu dari mereka," tambah Shah.

"Sebagai praktisi medis kita tidak bisa menutup mata terhadap segala kemungkinan untuk berbagai sumber energi yang mungkin selain kalori," tutupnya Shah.

Cigarettes and Dental

Various posts and articles which may be difficult to review a lot about smoking and the dangers posed. but unfortunately here to review the County on the health effects of cigarette mouth and teeth. semuga helpful and always ask advice and getting the impression that this post is perfect.
why smoking is closely associated with dental health? clear and easy to be answered, because the cigarettes smoked by mouth (ga I think there are other places to smoke cigarettes ^ ^). As we can easily see a smoker's lips look darker than the lip of a non-smoker, why?
In general we know that there are cigarettes in Indonesia there are two types, cigarettes with filter and without filter (better known as clove cigarettes). Cigarettes without filters tend to more quickly change the color of teeth on a cigarette with a filter.
Now let us follow the trail of cigarette smoke why so many organs "of the body suffers. When we inhale the cigarette smoke that comes out of a cigarette into the oral cavity, a few seconds with millions of cigarette smoke substances" are chemicals in the oral cavity and affects the tissues and organs that have in the oral cavity including the teeth itself. Hot smoke that blow continuously into the oral cavity is a heat stimulus that causes changes in blood flow and reduce expenses saliva. As a result the oral cavity becomes dry and more an-aerobic (oxygen free atmosphere), thus providing a suitable environment for the growth of an-aerobic bacteria in plaque. Smokers themselves at greater risk of disease-causing bacteria infected tooth supporting tissues compared to those smokers.

Gum smokers also tend to have a thickening layer of horn. This thickened area which looks more rugged than the surrounding tissue and reduced kekenyalannya. Constriction of blood vessels caused by nicotine result in reduced blood flow in the gums thus increasing the likelihood of gum disease.
Tar in tobacco smoke also increase the chances of gingivitis, gum disease is most often caused by bacterial plaque and other factors that could cause bertumpuknya plaque around the gums. Tar can be deposited on the surface of the tooth and root surface of teeth so that it becomes rude and facilitate adhesion plaques. From the different studies have been carried out plaque and tartar more formed in the oral cavity of smokers compared to nonsmokers. The disease is severe tooth supporting tissues, bone damage and tooth loss tooth backstop occurs more frequently in smokers than nonsmokers. In the treatment of dental disease patients pendukund tissue of smokers require greater care and more. Whereas in patients with non-smokers and in the same situation quite simply the standard treatment such as cleaning of plaque and tartar.
Severity of disease arising from moderate to advanced level are directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked each day how long or how many years one becomes a smoker and smoking status itself, is still smoking up to now or have been stopped. Nicotine plays a role in starting the tooth supporting tissue disease because nicotine can be absorbed by the soft tissues of the oral cavity including the gums through the bloodstream, and attachment of the gums in the tooth and root surfaces. Nicotine can be found on the surface of the tooth root and its metabolites which results can be found in the liquid kontinin gums.
Some maintenance is really recommended in patients benrhenti smokers to smoke for a while, during the treatment process. Like pemsangan patients during implant.
Can be concluded that losses incurred due to smoking habits on oral and dental health:
1. Change the color of teeth, gums and lips.

2. Dental caries in the faster formed. 

3. Possibility of oral cancer in very large networks.

4. Clear breath smelled of cigarettes. 

5. Changing the network "in the oral cavity that cause various negative impacts on oral health itself as a trigger terbantuknya caries.

Appreciating Yourself with Masturbation

However, in Western countries, the notion that masturbation  disadvantage has long ignored. Dodson Betty, sex educators and teachers  from the United States masturbate, argue that masturbation represents  the core of the behavior and sexual image of ourselves. "Masturbation is  the first form of sexual expression," said Dodson's book Sex for One:  The Joy of Selfloving. "Masturbation can make you independent for life,"  he added.
According to him,  masturbation is the way for us to learn themselves about sexual  response. Skills learned this is called sexual skills. Like the others,  the sexual skills that must be learned and done to be enjoyed.

"This  is an opportunity for physical and we find our reasoning for all the  sexual secrets that we hide from ourselves. Is there a better way to  enjoy the sexual creativity than with masturbation? With masturbation,  we feel a sense of escape because it does not need to meet satisfactory  standards or couples to enjoy sex or fear of being criticized, and  rejected, "said Dodson.

Dodson is not alone in their  opinions about masturbation important role in human life. According to  experts, many of us began to find sex since childhood through  masturbation. Children under five have started to examine their  genitals.

"Parents would be wise to deal with. When  they banned just like that, when the child's adolescence and adulthood  will have difficulty with sexual functioning because they felt 'dirty'  with yourself. If that happened, how she can enjoy sex with their spouse  when married someday, "said Lianny Hendranata, author of Sexuality  Magic Keys to Happiness.

Feelings of "dirty" with  yourself that can affect self-image and how to look to ourselves. Either  we can hate with ourselves. As Nancy Friday disclosed in his book The  Power of Beauty, hate myself cause negative behavior toward their own  genitals. In fact, our opinions about the pubic that is central about  the overall picture of ourselves.

Poor view of  ourselves that will prompt others to look bad as well. "By not aware of  our self-image cameras that store images that are bad for visits between  our thighs and our two shy look at the mirror. Ugly sight on the  genitals that is projected onto other body parts, like nose, leg, and  all of them. Self-correction that ensued expressed dissatisfaction with  ourselves, "explained Lianny.

Spain 2010 World Cup champion South Africa

Goals from Andres Iniesta crucial four minutes ahead of second-half extra-time to bring Spain into the World Cup champions for the first time! Congratulation for Spain. They played better than the Dutch orange team. Too bad the Dutch, they failed again to win the world cup finals party. : Mrgreen: The Spanish managed to wed the European Cup with the World Cup ..

Casillas Spain With Celebrating Success HaruTim Spanish matador more control of the game final with 56% mastery of the ball. But running a tight match, both teams are equally careful look at the beginning of the game.

Many violations. In total there are 11 yellow cards and one red card issued by referee Howard Webb. 90 minutes of normal time, the score was still 0-0 so continued to act extra-time.

Just as the father of Yudhoyono said at the time of RCTI talk show before the game, Spain is a bit more in the Netherlands. : Mrgreen: And with dikartumerahnya Heitinga in the extra period, it's almost impossible for the Dutch to be able to beat Spain: D Seven minutes after the referee expelled Heitinga, Iniesta scored Spain utilizing feedback from Cesc Fabregas matured. Fabgregas new entrants in the late second round to replace Alonso.

So, congratulations to the Spanish national team. Achievements and their journey in the World Cup in 2010 is indeed pretty fantastic. Ga Netherlands defeated fantastic. Victory six times in a row before the party ended up losing in the summit. Ironic .. ;)

Iniesta, scorers Victory

The composition of Players:
Netherlands: Maarten Stekelenburg; Gregory van der Wiel, John Heitinga, Joris Mathijsen, Giovanni van Bronckhorst (Edson Braafheid 104), Dirk Kuyt (Eljero Elia 70), Mark van Bommel, Wesley Sneijder, Nigel de Jong (Rafael Van der Vaart 98) , Arjen Robben, Robin van Persie
Spain: Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Gerard Pique, Carles Puyol, Joan Capdevila, Xabi Alonso (Cesc Fabregas), Xavi, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets, Pedro (Jesus Navas 60), David Villa (Fernando Torres 106)

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