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Unearth Fascinating Details On Why Rape Doesnt Define Me

By Ronald Campbell

In the most basic terms, rape is a type of sexual assault that has to do with forced or coerced sexual assault or penetration by an attacker. Despite its variations and the broad terms that constitute the activity, it can be considered as such when the person that experienced it did not give their consent on the matter. It happens usually when the victim is incapacitated in any way or is unable to defend themselves from the attack, like when they have intellectual disabilities or are not yet of legal age.

When something like this happens to you or a loved one, it is important to take immediate action in order to come to terms on a legal resolution. Nonetheless, it should be noted that the rates and processes of reporting said illegal activity and the prosecution and legal battle that follows will usually vary from one area to another. According to statistics, there are more male attackers as opposed to females on a worldwide scale. Following this trail of thought, this article will emphasize on some interesting facts on why rape doesnt define me.

Furthermore, other studies show that rapes that are done by a stranger to another stranger is not as common, compared to the attacker being someone they know personally or is an acquaintance. Not only that, attacks made by males on other males and females to other females are surprisingly common, although these are less reported to the proper authorities. Rape may also happen on a larger, massive scale such as through warfare or sexual slavery.

Nonetheless, all of these are considered general crimes against humanity and can also be considered a war crime, especially when used on a massive scale and on other metaphorical aspects. As a matter of fact, this may also be referred to an element of an organized crime that involves genocide, especially when it was committed with the intention of destroying various ethnic groups, whether done as a whole, or a part of said organized illegal activity. Due to this, the term is broad and defines a wide range of crimes against a person or group.

Despite what the intent might be or how it was done, this can cause serious trauma to a person, which leads to developing post traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is more commonly associated with people that experienced war, but can also stem from traumatic freak accidents, automobile or water and air craft collisions, and sexual assault. It can cause serious physical and mental distress, with victims becoming unresponsive, harboring negative emotions, and having disturbing dreams and disruptive thoughts that bear weight on daily living.

Individuals that deal with PTSD naturally have greater circumstances of self-destruction or deliberate personal injury, because of the unfavorable experiences they underwent also just at one factor in their life. It could additionally result in different physical signs and symptoms or illness. Since of such unfortunate event, this refers most generally to sexually transmitted illness or also the threat of ending up being expecting. Some targets will also cotinine to get numerous dangers of physical violence from their assailant and primarily comes from concern of being determined by others.

Regardless of when the victim underwent physical attacks or brutalities, the first response is always to administer medical attention through the process of a complete assessment. The typical injuries that one might get includes bites, bruising, scratches, lacerations, and other scrapes. In the event of a gunshot or stab wound, anti tetanus immunization is administered to prevent further infection.

After the attack, a person may immediately begin to feel the psychological effects of it, which is why it is best to address these existing issues right away during the initial evaluation. Common feelings and states of mind that these people would feel include anxiety, fear, having highly intrusive thoughts that disturb their activities or daily tasks, and may lead to an overall fear of crowds. In fact, some people report to have felt insecurity and fear of being touched, even by people they know personally that have done no harm to them.

Nonetheless, this leads to a huge emotional trauma and can cause stress in many ways. It causes strain between relationships and with people they already know or are going to know. Due to this, seeking therapy is the best way to overcome these issues on a long term basis.

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