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Coward Baptist Church Follows The Holy Bible

By Michael Ward

Righteousness makes a nation great. On the other hand, sin condemns any people. According to the Holy Bible, to do good is to do justice and righteousness. Goodness also involves facilitating peace. These are the exact messages that are quite common in the sermons of Coward Baptist Church because it is a 100% Bible believing church. America and most Western nations are Christian nations. As the Bible predicted, Christianity has finally reached the furthest parts of the world. That makes it the most dominant religion on earth with billions of followers. Every day, Christianity is growing.

The history of Christianity has been long. Therefore, it cannot be summarized in some few words. Israel and has always been the center stage of Christianity. The true believer looks forward to the New Jerusalem that will have streets paved with gold. After Israel, Christianity went to Europe and Catholicism started. Later, the Protestant Faith started and churches like Baptist and Anglican were formed.

Baptist believers just like other Christians usually follow the Bible. They believe that the Bible is the ultimate reference of the Christian. A true believer knows that there is no book on earth that is superior to the Holy Bible. That is due to the fact that it is the inspired word and it is 100% true. The Bible never lies.

The Holy Bible is not a new book. As a matter of fact, it is the oldest book on earth. Up to today, useful manuscripts are still being unearthed in places like the Red Sea. The scripture is very steadfast and it is a rock that can never and will never be shaken. It is always true and never

According to Scripture, one has to be born again. It is not about being born again in a physical sense but rather in a spiritual sense. That means that one has to undergo baptism. As a matter of fact, the Baptists believe in baptism. This involves total immersion into water. The baptism activity can take place in a river or lake.

It is the age of grace. However, grace will not last forever. Baptists believe on such lofty Biblical issues such as grace and baptism. They also believe in the repentance of sin and the subsequent turning way from sin and leading a holy life. Every man is a sinner by birth. However, forgiveness of sin and salvation are free.

Another Biblical emphasis is the need for fellowship. No one can say that he is a lone wolf Christian. A believer needs to fellowship with others. There are many examples of fellowship in scriptures. Baptists value the importance of fellowship. That is why there is usually Sunday service and weekly services. One should pay close attention to the Sunday sermon.

Spirituality is something that should not be taken for granted. One should handle his Christian faith in a serious manner. There is the need to pray every day. One should pray without ceasing so that not to fall into temptation. Fasting must also be done on a regular basis. Spiritual health is more important than physical health. That is the ultimate truth.

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