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Some Facts About Past Life Regression Bellingham Wa

By Mattie Knight

Reincarnation has been one of the hottest debate topics everywhere because many people swear that they have memories of a previous life. Now most people who are interested to know what they were in the past would usually try past life regression bellingham wa which is a technique used to recapture those old memories. Now if one is into this kind of thing, then here are some facts to know about.

Now for those who are interested in this, the technique usually used nowadays would be to put a person under a trance and ask him some questions that will try to jog his memory so that he can remember what he was before. It is said that these old memories are actually stored inside the subconscious mind and needs to merely be awakened so that one can remember all that happened to him.

Now the earliest records of reincarnation would be from India and China since the main religions in both of these countries heavily emphasizes reincarnation. In Hinduism, there is something that is known as a caste system that would use karma points as a basis to what one will become when he reincarnates. Now the one who mentions this certain technique is a man named Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.

Now when it comes to Chinese literature on the other hand, there would be the deity known as Meng Po. Now Meng Po is the deity that would erase the memories of the souls that are about to be reincarnated and brought back to earth. However, it was said that some humans were still actually able to retrace some of those memories.

Nowadays, people from all over many fields have been wanting to take a crack at this method in order to study it. Take the French teacher Allan Kardec for example who was very much interested in this type of technique. His research lead him to discover that this type of technique was already made during the fifties and was practiced by both mediums and hypnotists.

Of course this technique is now being practiced in the Eastern and Western parts of the world. Chinese astrologers as well as other Asian astrologers would use this method to look into the past life of a person. Of course the Westerners would have a different approach to this art as compared to the more mystical style of the Asians.

Of course in the West, a psychological point of view is more preferred. A lot of psychologists would actually believe that the current psychological problem of a person may be caused by traumatic experiences from his past life. It is why they would study this method so that they can be able to get to the real root of why a person has a psychological trauma or problem.

So for those who are interested in this sort of things, here are some facts to know. Now if one would actually want to learn or try out this method, Bellingham WA would be a good place to visit. This place has a lot of practitioners who would do this for a fee.

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