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Communicating With Adult With Intellectual Disabilities

By Daphne Bowen

Getting sick could happen to anyone and at any part of your body. The most common ones happen in your physical parts which are the most evident. But at times, there are also others that show no sign of any condition. This is when your mentality is the one being affected. The physical indications might come later. But you can see that changes are happening to the behavior of those affected by it.

Effects that can be expected include the changes in behavior. If the condition gravely affects the person, they might not act normal towards others and often think to themselves. Changes in their mind and mental capacities would be evident as well. There are times when they might become adults with intellectual disabilities which could provide disadvantages to the patient.

Several causes create these things to happen to someone. At times, this could be an inborn condition and the only way for cure is to constantly submit for treatment. Instances of accidents could also be the reason behind all of these. When it directly affects the head, some parts might be subject to damage.

If you are someone in charge of treating them or you have direct connection to them, communicating the right way is the best chance for you both to understand each other. You must know that they can be quite sensitive when it comes to how people see them. And since they are already adults, you can also see that they will be more aware of their surroundings and how people treat them.

There are certain things that you would do well to remember when communicating with them to ensure they can understand what you are saying
as well. When talking, talk directly. There is no need to use baby talk since they are adults and they could easily be offended because of this.

It is necessary that you think about the language to be used for this. It is not right to use jargon unless they are aware of the words. This can easily get them confused about certain things. Instead, you should opt for simple sentences to help them understand it easily. It might be best to think about your mode of speech when you are with them.

If you converse with them on a regular basis, listening is also necessary. According to experts, there is a higher chance of you understanding their needs if you think about listening well. Sometimes, their main organs are affected by their condition. Others could not speak clearly which makes for harder conversations.

Shouting is not the solution to everything. This is the reason why you must have patience in talking with them. Shouting at them will not get you anywhere. Aside from that, it would also only make them upset and they might refuse to talk to you for the remainder of your time together.

These are basic things you must think about when you are treating patients. For doctors that specialize in this, it is part of their training. Many establishments provide seminars so that they could learn what to do in order to make progress with treatments in connection to the current condition of the patient.

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