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Benefits Of Business Performance Assessment Program

By Daphne Bowen

Formal progress evaluation is a technique used by companies to measure their staff productivity regularly. The practice can be done semi annually or annually according to what the organization financial status, size and what their policies state. The process will indiscriminately point out areas where an employee is excelling and also outline the employee weak areas. Business performance assessment program should be applied to all employees without discriminating anyone.

Managers once they identify weak area of an employee they should try to work closely with that particular employee so as to eliminate those weak areas as well as encouraging and rewarding the staff strong points. One of the benefits of reviewing progress of an organization is assessment regularity. Proving official evaluation in your organization makes sure there is regularity when reviewing staff.

But it has been proven time and again that evaluation practice has more benefit that outweighs the challenges faced in the process. The practice should be included in the company policies or strategies for success. When these practice is carried out like a contribution evaluation system which consist of standard form of evaluation, standard measures of conduct, feedback guidelines, and procedures for disciplinary action this practice promote acceptable boundaries for performance, facilitate staff recognition, promote effective communication while facilitating motivation of employees to work even harder for the practice and themselves.

The importance of progress review is to keep the owner of a business updated on progress their companies are making. As the organization grows owners of such organization distant themselves from the daily running of the organization and delegate that responsibility to managers whom they

To come up with a good criteria for evaluation a manager can follow this few steps. First is coming up with evaluation form. Also there is Identification of work measures, fixing feedback guidelines, coming up with disciplinary procedures, creation of termination procedures and lastly creating a clear evaluation schedule.

The evaluation is sometimes seen as a tool to calculate actual productivity against the company expected productivity, it also provides a forum for supervisors and employees to discuss matters pertaining productivity and to identify staff training, appraisal and development requirement and to also evaluate their career growth.

The practice identifies abilities and skills for promotion purposes, transfer and also force in reduction. They back up alignment of company objectives with employee goals. The process gives information necessary to determining who is eligible for compensation based on their merits and lastly it offers legal amnesty against lawsuits and other case for inappropriate termination.

Other benefits of evaluation include enhancing employee motivation, productivity and commitment, identifying employees goal as wells as objectives, satisfy basic human requirement through recognition, identifying opportunities for employee to improve and producing opportunities for employee to develop. Each department, agency or institution is supposed to apply one of the two programs that is evaluation based on individual or team based evaluation. Problems include evaluation are not linked with reward, there is no integration and little or less legal support given.

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