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The Many Sides Of Gold In Our Lives And Society

By Andrew Block

Throughout history, gold has always been a magical metal. Many different societies have used this rare substance as money and a sign of wealth. Wealthy members of society and rulers always cherished gold and adorned themselves with the yellow metal. Kings, queens and pharaohs decked themselves and their surroundings with gold throughout history as in this modern era, the very wealthy members of society have even used this precious metal to plate their cars. Gold has always been a sign of wealth and chances are that it will always be a sign of wealth and opulence.

In present days, investing and buying gold continues to be a big business as well as a way for individuals to secure their wealth in a tangible form. While most money is no longer backed by the equivalent amount of gold, there are many people who feel that there is a possibility of an economic collapse who buy gold as a way to inflation-proof their funds as well as secure their money in a physical form if there were to be a complete collapse of the world economy. While this might sound like the talk of survivalists or doomsday-Sayers, history has shown that this is a possibility.

You might feel that it would be difficult to exchange gold for money. As an investment vehicle, having all your money in precious metals might sound ridiculous. After all, what are you going to do? Are you going to go to a bank and hand them an ingot and ask for it to be exchanged into small bills? In some countries this is absolutely possible. Of course, there are better ways to liquidate gold but as an investment it is more liquid than most.

Many other traditional investment vehicles such as antiques, art or real estate are actually less liquid than gold. Even though real estate has been historically a very solid investment that rarely loses value, your ability to liquidate this asset quickly while preserving any gain is very difficult to do in any situation other than a booming market. Real estate might be a great way to invest but in the event of a market collapse it lacks the liquidity and security that you might be looking for. Gold doesn't have this problem and it is as liquid as stocks, when you delve into this investment.

Gold is often viewed as one of the most stable and logical long term investments. While there might be days, weeks or months when the price of gold goes down, overall, gold retains its value and historically goes up in value over time. There are people that trade gold the same way that people trade stocks. They buy and sell gold short term hoping to ride the highs and lows in the market. Overall, though, most investors look at gold for security as well as a way to avoid inflation that is prevalent in an economy where money is printed and injected into the economy, this making the existing money worth less. All of these aren't the only reason why we might want to invest in gold.

How many of us dreamed when we were children of being rich? We dreamed of having gold bars or ingots. We daydreamed of the perfect life where we were happy and secure. We had the ability to buy what we wanted and do what we wanted because we were rich. In our secret safe we stores our gold bullion and we took it out from time to time to hold it in our hands. We could almost feel the heft of the heavy metal.

We all have that desire deep within us to own gold in some shape or form. While fulfilling a childhood dream might not be the primary motivating factor in investing in gold, it is entirely likely that more than one investor smiled with delight and felt like that child that they once were the first time they felt the weight of gold in their hand for the first time. There is something special about gold that gives us a pleasant feeling inside. Even though this might not be the primary reason for buying gold, it certainly is a nice bonus that investors might never admit to anyone other than themselves.

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