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Motivate Me! Why "If-Then" Rewards Don't Really Work

By Lachlan Haynes

Imagine waking up full of energy and enthusiasm for the day ahead. Imagine feeling truly driven to take massive action and get stuff done. Well guess what, many people do feel that way! But my guess is that you don't. Why? Because you're reading this article! The answer for you may well lie in understanding "if then" motivation, why everyone uses it, and why it doesn't really work.

"If-then" rewards - which stands for, "If you do something, then something will happen as a result" (for example, if you get an A+ for English, then your parents will buy you a guitar) - have long been used as the motivation to get people to do things. Chances are you have come across this motivation type many times in your life.

"If then" establishes clear rewards or punishments for action or inaction. However, it also has a tendency to create less than desirable outcomes. How so you may ask? Well, if you only do things because you know you will be either rewarded or punished, what happens where there is no reward or punishment? Aren't you simply responding to external danger or pleasure rather than to your internal calling?

"If then" also has a tendency to promote harmful behavior. Behavior such as seeking only to achieve the objectives set out without worrying about how it will be achieved or how that may impact others (for example, you may need to cheat or lie to achieve the outcome), or taking action only based on being rewarded or punished with bigger and bigger items each time (which creates a loop of rewards or punishments that can't be sustained).

This is not what motivation is really all about. Motivation is something that should come from within you and drives you to action based on a desire to achieve something. If someone has to reward you or punish you in order for you to do something, you are not actually motivated. Instead, you're just responding to an external stimulus (i.e. you take action in response to the belief that something good or bad may happen as a result).

Behavioral scientists Harry Harlow and Edward Deci have found what's missing for those that don't feel motivated. They found that real motivation is as simple as AMP - autonomy, mastery and purpose.

Harlow and Deci found that if you want to be high performer you need to be in an environment that promotes all three elements (or be striving to achieve it). The desire to be in charge and decide what you do and how you do it (autonomy), the desire to constantly improve our skills, abilities and knowledge (mastery), and the desire to act towards a project bigger than our own basic needs (purpose) are what gives us the feeling of true motivation. This is the environment where real motivation occurs.

If you honestly and objectively look at the three elements that create motivation and assess how closely they align with your life, it may become quite clear why you don't feel motivated. If you aren't in control, if you're not taking charge, if you're spending your time doing things that don't inspire you, if you're not learning and expanding your capabilities and improving yourself each day - you simply won't feel motivated. It's not possible. It breaks every rule of motivation. So honestly assess where your life is and you will find your answer. Good luck!

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