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Create and Use Your Own Positive Affirmations

By Jalila Heuts

You are currently waking up every morning for that job you dread. Your life is on auto-pilot, going through the motions and living an ordinary, uneventful life.Affirmations can change your entire life in less than 5 minutes a day. Imagine being able to change how you think on a regular basis to be more positive. Well that is how affirmations work, so let's get you started on your own list.How to Create a Positive Affirmation,Positive affirmations are very easy to construct, but it takes a good deal of time to truly identify your wants and desires. An affirmation does little good if you're asking for the wrong thing. Take a few minutes of your day and list everything you want to change about your life. This list could include - your health, job, relationships, or self-esteem.

Feel Them. The emotional dimension of each affirmation should never be overlooked. When you can additionally "feel" your affirmation, its total impact increases tremendously. For instance, if your affirmation is "I am a successful public speaker", then visualize how it will be like to be receiving a standing ovation from a hall full of people.Make Them In the Present Tense. You should state your positive daily affirmations in the present tense, that is, use "I am..." rather than "I will be..." Saying things in the present tense will program your subconscious mind to believe that what you affirm is already a fact. In other words, you have no doubt in your mind that what you desire is a given and not just a wish that may or may not happen.Make Affirmations Positive. Another important tip in formulating your affirmations is to write them in the positive state. A negative statement cannot work. For instance, you should say "I am rich" rather than "I am not poor".

Make Positive Daily Affirmations Short And Clear. First, because your experience will create the conditions that allow affirmations to manifest, word the affirmations carefully to make them crystal-clear. State your real, innermost desires and articulate your most expansive sense of self. Affirmations based on a narrow self-concept deliver results that fall short, cause suffering, and further diminish the sense of self.

Positive affirmations can work by just reading the sentence to yourself. If you want to get the most out of affirmations the best method is to repeat your affirmations into the mirror out loud. What this does is fully reprogram your mind because you will see yourself saying what it is that you want. This is very powerful and will help you visual your goals and desires and you will reach them faster.

When broken down and explained in easy to understand terms, positive affirmations aren't nearly as mystical as they appear at first glance. If you really stop and think about them, you will find that they are actually a very logical force in life. In this way, you can see that all of the claims people make about positive affirmations, rather than being magical or mystical, are really believable. This will be your first step in changing your own life with positive affirmations.

Here are some examples to help illustrate the above 10 tips:Positive Daily Affirmations For Self Confidence.I am sure of my ability to do what is necessary to improve my life.I feel good about the way I do my job.I love myself and accept myself for who I am.Positive Daily Affirmations For Abundance.All the things I want and need come to me.I am an abundant person.I create abundance in all that I say and do.Positive Daily Affirmations For Success.I am successful.Everything I do turns into success.I attract positive-minded people to me; I draw all things positive to myself.

How could positive affirmations possibly help your physical health? Think about the last time you had a cold. The doctors probably told you that the best thing for you would be rest. The most common "old wives" tale states that chicken soup will help you feel better also. Even work will let you take a few days off to help recover. Why is it that all of these things work? Because they are all steps to help you feel more comfortable. They will help your mind be more at ease, so it can work on repairing your body. Positive affirmations can help your mind in the same way.

Affirmations work by redirecting your thought frequencies and patterns hence replacing your negative beliefs with positive ones. You change the way you think and the way you feel about things, and you start to see tangible results of your positive affirmations. Affirmations will work for you if you are ready to leave the past behind and embrace a new way of doing things so that you can free yourself of the negativity that has been subconsciously subjected to you.

Whenever you are trying to tell yourself something, either by thought or by saying it out loud, you are affirming yourself of something. We are constantly affirming ourselves to do something, change something or achieve something. All our affirmations are a manifestation of our inner beliefs and truths. Most of the affirmations we have are acquired at a tender age, hence they are deeply rooted in our subconscious mind as we grow. Most of our responses to every situation are an automatic adaptation from the way we were raised. This is because our subconscious mind uses memories, feelings and everything that has been stored over a period of time since we encountered it.

The human body is an amazing organism. With the right positive affirmations, the body can heal itself of diseases that would almost seem miraculous. A strong and healthy body begins with a healthy way of thinking. These healthy thought patterns will help to rewire the rest of your body to become a strong and healthy vessel. Maintaining positive affirmations will help your body realize that it also can achieve anything in life. Affirmations aren't just limited to the amount of money you may make, or your happiness at those around you. They can easily be adapted to change not just your way of life, but your way of physical health.Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He is also the co-founder of New You Life Coaching.Because his interests stem from philosophy, spirituality, psychology, and leadership, Rich's coaching style incorporates a rare and ingenious approach to understanding and empowering you in an insanely effective manner.

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