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What Is Stopping You From Forming Your New Habits?

By Elizabeth Greentree

Everyone knows how hard it can be to break an old habit. Even just trying to change a speaking mannerism can be frustrating, not to mention not leaning your elbows on the table (even being hit by your mother doesn't always help). It is so easy for some things to become a habit, and then so hard to break them. Therefore, if we can take something we want to be doing and turn it into a habit, how much easier would life be? Unfortunately, anyone who has made a New Year's Resolution knows that it doesn't seem to be that easy. So is there some secret way to form new habits?

It used to be said that it was just a matter of time. Perform the habit faithfully for 8 weeks and it will stick. Or maybe it is only 3 weeks. Or maybe it actually 6 weeks... you get the idea. No one has come up for a fool proof formula on how long it takes to form a habit. One very good reason for this is because the amount of time varies depending on a number of factors. If you can understand and control these elements, you will be much more successful in getting your desired outcomes. So what are these factors?

The first major factor in trying to work out how long it will take to form a new habit is how difficult the habit actually is. It might not take so longer to learn to floss after you brush your teeth, but trying to train yourself to sit down and write your novel for two hours every night might take a little bit longer. But don't despair if you have harder tasks in mind. Remember the old concept of baby steps. Maybe trying to write for three hours at a go everyday is a bit much, but you can still try naturalizing the concept of sitting down after dinner and writing for half an hour before your favorite TV show. Once you've got that down pat, try increasing it to an hour, and then an hour and a half. Got the idea?

Second, the more often you perform the desired action, the faster and stronger it will form as a habit. It has been found that this is especially important at the beginning. So when planning to introduce a new habit into your life, try to perform it everyday, even if later you might drop that back a bit.

The final factor you should take into account is how much it clashes with your old habits. The more it clashes, the longer it will take or the less likely it will form at all. Therefore, when planning your habit forming behavior, try to minimize how much it clashes with your current habits. Want to start going to the gym everyday? Well, get yourself off to a good start by not scheduling it at the same time as X-Factor if you just can't skip it (unless you go to a gym with a TV, and tell yourself you can only watch while jogging... that might work). Look at your daily routine and try to slip the new habit in somewhere it won't cause too many waves, and if you can, try piggy backing on another habit. Always sit down to watch Deal or No Deal? Keep your new language study textbooks next to the TV and when Deal finishes, German starts.

Keeping in mind these three factors will help you to maximize the effectiveness of your new habit. Spend a little time planning how to best implement it and within weeks you will be finding the habit harder and harder to break.

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