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Conquering Ageism In The Workplace

By Christine King

Finding employment is hard enough in this day and age. It seems as if they are more people than there are jobs. There are times in some people may even be overqualified for a certain position and the company is not able to offer them the type of sanity they deserve to be earning and in that specific case there time down for the position. However, in other cases they may be people that are perfectly qualified for specific at all however due to the age there declined. This is basically considered ageism in the workplace.

So this basically applies to anybody only is approaching middle age or about middle age. Ultimately, younger people will always be preferred for the specific a role or position over you just because of your age. So if you have decent apply for a job and don't know why you declined but you are approaching middle age or over it, you should consider this.

What basically happens is that even though you have more experience in the next person, the next person is actually given the job because you are older than that specific person. It might sound very unfair and in reality it really is however it is common practice across the board in many different companies irrespective of the industry.

So it doesn't matter what industry you are applying at what company you are applying at for that matter as well. Ultimately, this is simply a stereotype that is attached to aging or the aging process in general. So all the people always seen as less fit than younger ones.

It is not something that has been happening since now, it has always been happening and is taken place for the past couple of decades. This is mainly because a certain stereotypes attached with all people. It also has created a sort of generational gap between employees as well.

That is why companies have this approach to all the people is because of the negative stereotype that has been created in the minds of people when it comes to aging persons. Ultimately for some reason older people acting as unhealthier, more unfit, and sickly. So for this reason companies would prefer to hire younger people as opposed to hiding older people.

So ultimately what tends to happen is that younger people form certain perceptions of older people in their mind. This is also due to the fact that within the workplace there is a generational gap. So you never get younger people in a team collaborating with older people in that same specific team. So this could lead to certain stereotypes sticking.

So when it comes to trying to change this, people need to stick together and stand up for one thing and communicate in one voice. Ultimately, if more people get together and fight against this unfair practice and discrimination against the elderly, then They basically will get laws changed in their specific countries. The only time that companies will be able to get away with this is if people allow them to do so.

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