Is it possible that you want to close your credit card? It is possible that you came across another credit card option that had certain benefits you were looking for but never seemed fortunate enough to come across. Before you decide to take action and close your current card in favor of a newer one, Bob Jain will tell you think the situation through. The reason for this is because, when it comes to finance in general, there are always various components to take into consideration before closing your card.
An article on U.S. News and World Report went into detail on this particular matter. For example, it spoke about how closing a current credit card may play negatively into what is called your credit utilization rate. Without going into too much detail, just know that the rate in question is one that is able to determine what exactly your credit score is. For the purpose of keeping your utilization rate at a lower level, do not get rid of your current option so quickly.
If you are looking to get rid of your current credit card option, Bob Jain will stress the importance of speaking to your bank about it in detail. It goes without saying that your bank does not want to lose a customer, since that very customer may spread the word to people who he or she knows. It's also possible that interest rates and the like can be waived, even to the slightest of degrees, if you stay in contact with your bank. Names along the lines of Jain will tell you that this method can't hurt.
There was also the idea of opportunity discussed by the article on U.S. News and World Report. For example, what if you decide to get rid of a card that, admittedly, does not have the best perks tied to it? While this may seem like a strong option at the onset, the truth of the matter is that it is very easy for a new option to fall through. What this means is that you may not be able to retrieve the same option that you had before. Even if you don't use an old card, it's important for it to stick around as a means of insurance.
Hopefully these points have been able to give you a greater level of insight as far as credit card closing is concerned. While you may want to get rid of these options as soon as possible, there are other variables that can affect you in the long term. It's important to understand these early on so that you can remain on financially stable ground. If you are able to follow these rules, you may find that credit-related endeavors will be made that much easier.
An article on U.S. News and World Report went into detail on this particular matter. For example, it spoke about how closing a current credit card may play negatively into what is called your credit utilization rate. Without going into too much detail, just know that the rate in question is one that is able to determine what exactly your credit score is. For the purpose of keeping your utilization rate at a lower level, do not get rid of your current option so quickly.
If you are looking to get rid of your current credit card option, Bob Jain will stress the importance of speaking to your bank about it in detail. It goes without saying that your bank does not want to lose a customer, since that very customer may spread the word to people who he or she knows. It's also possible that interest rates and the like can be waived, even to the slightest of degrees, if you stay in contact with your bank. Names along the lines of Jain will tell you that this method can't hurt.
There was also the idea of opportunity discussed by the article on U.S. News and World Report. For example, what if you decide to get rid of a card that, admittedly, does not have the best perks tied to it? While this may seem like a strong option at the onset, the truth of the matter is that it is very easy for a new option to fall through. What this means is that you may not be able to retrieve the same option that you had before. Even if you don't use an old card, it's important for it to stick around as a means of insurance.
Hopefully these points have been able to give you a greater level of insight as far as credit card closing is concerned. While you may want to get rid of these options as soon as possible, there are other variables that can affect you in the long term. It's important to understand these early on so that you can remain on financially stable ground. If you are able to follow these rules, you may find that credit-related endeavors will be made that much easier.
About the Author:
If you would like to uncover more about Bobby Jain, please contact Bob Jain today for specifics.. This article, Bob Jain: Should You Deactivate Your Credit Card? has free reprint rights.
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