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Grief Counseling Online Fills The Needs Of Many Clients

By Krystal Branch

In some instances there is a difference acknowledged between bereavement counseling and therapy. It asserts that the counseling is appropriate when what is considered normal mourning follows a loss such as death or divorce. On the other hand, therapy deals with more complicated feelings of loss in response to the same event. In some cases grief counseling online may be preferable.

A serious reaction can possibly lead to an emotional disorder. It may grow worse over time unless treatment is available. For those who do not want to undergo therapy in person, there is bereavement counseling and therapy available online.

There is a controversial debate in professional circles regarding the usefulness of bereavement therapy. Some believe it can be harmful under certain circumstances. If the bereaved individual is simply experiencing the normal stages of grief, the therapy can allegedly be harmful. When a pathological condition develops, however, the therapy can be helpful.

It is considered normal for someone to experience five steps of the grieving process. Shock, denial, rage, depression and acceptance are usually experienced in that order. If the individual becomes stuck in one of the stages, there is a likelihood that a serious condition can develop.

It can be a chilling shock when an unexpected death or unwanted divorce occurs. The person suffering the loss might have difficulty in believing it really happened. This is followed by rage or anger. Then he or she can sink into a deep depression. He or she may need professional help to get out of this sad state.

With the fifth and final stage, there is acceptance. It is not something he or she is happy about. It does, however, mean that the individual sees the possibility of having happiness in the future.

The professional therapist will tell you that it is necessary to go through the five stages of grieving. If the sadness is repressed it can lead to emotional problems down the road. If a second disastrous event happens soon after, recovery will be that much more difficult.

An online grief counselor should have a degree and possibly continuing education credits in bereavement counseling. For serious trauma, the individual should choose someone with a psychology degree. Some who represent themselves as grief counselors are simply sales people working for funeral homes or cemeteries.

The person seeking to talk to an online counselor should not hesitate to ask about the degree and experience of the person who will be at the other end of the line. If the goal is to arrange a funeral, the sales person may be a suitable choice. If not, he or she may cause more harm than good.

There is a large reference book used by professionals to diagnose and confirm mental disorders. It lists the criteria that each must meet to fit the definition. A specific number of the listed criteria must be met before the diagnosis, of clinical depression for example, can be confirmed.

This joins the other services offered online. A therapist is always available. Anonymous help appeals to those who want anonymity. Grief counseling online fills a need for those who would not otherwise seek help.

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