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Differentiating Intuitive Psychic And Other Skills

By Judy Sullivan

The confusion over medium, intuitive psychic, empathy and healer abilities lies in their perceived similarities. This has caused the names to be interchanged during discourse. Understanding the differences in these skills and professions enables practitioners to better understand their area of operation. Humanity has used these forms of therapy to attain good health over the years with incredible results.

An intuitive person is able to decipher messages or information stored in the subconscious and uses it to help people deal with day to day challenges. The guidance can be used for personal growth and development or to help other people in their lives. It means that you can make better decisions about life or guide the other people to better their lives. This means that you have personal intuition or professional intuition.

The other name for a psychic is a clairvoyant. This is a person with extra sensory perception or the ability to perceive things that are beyond a normal person. This includes an ability to perceive the future, dreams, spirits and even converse with dead people. The person can sense a missing object or person. Such powers allow you to access information that is beyond normal human ream.

A medium is a psychic whose sensory perceptions are fine tuned. They mediate between human beings and spirits of the departed. Their power extends to hearing and feeling of mental impressions, voices from the world of spirits and the ability to hear thoughts. They can easily and effortlessly tap into the frequencies of the world of spirits.

The traditional definition of empathy is that ability to connect emotionally with a person in pain or who is suffering. Such a person can tap into your anger, pain or disgust and experience the exact magnitude. The anger or emotional feeling of an empathetic person has no real foundation apart from sharing in your feeling. They scan energies of other people and can feel the exact way you do. This power transcends the present to include the past and the future.

Healers have been able to tap into the knowledge about the centrality of energy in maintaining good health. Such a person can see the entire being instead of separate parts like hands, legs or the head. A healer understands sickness as a discrepancy in the electromagnetic forces or frequencies that are required to maintain a healthy balance. For healing to occur, the frequencies must be aligned to a point of cohesion. This is what is described as perfect health.

Energy healing has a long tradition in the civilization of humankind. Therapists perceive sickness as a fault in the energy flow cycle that needs rectification. In ancient societies, health and body balance were achieved through psychological, physical and extraterrestrial interventions. This means an alignment of all aspects of humanity in order to achieve holistic balance.

Understanding of intuitive psychic, medium, healer and empathy powers helps an individual to specialize and master his skill. You will be of greater assistant to clients when you fully understand your ability. Clients are also able to identify the kind of services they need and therefore turn to the right person. The powers have been with humanity for years and continue to offer incredible benefits.

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