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Finding Love Through the Law of Attraction

By Corey E. Moyer

According to the law of attraction you will get what you think about. If you think in a negative way, bad things will happen; if you think positively good things will happen. It can be taken even further by attributing all the good or bad things that happen to us to the way we think. Wikipedia gives an example of someone receiving an envelope in the mail. Positive thought will produce a check, negative thought will produce a bill.

Does the law of attraction work in this way? I don't think so: whatever is in the envelope is in the envelope. It's your attitude to what the envelope contains that makes the difference. A negative person will focus on the fact they cannot afford to pay the bill; a positive person will focus on ways to pay the bill. They will decide what action they can take to get the money to pay the bill. This will attract positive, constructive thoughts that will eventually lead to a solution. That is the way law of attraction works.

I was really impressed with my husband's parenting skills. He was a better dad than I was a mum. His parents often visited us. I couldn't have asked for better parents-in-law. They treated me with respect and kindness.I was jolted out of my reverie when the phone rang. I had been doing what I really enjoyed doing. I had been daydreaming. I loved my husband and my baby. However, they remained in my dreams. I really wished that I could have them for real.

It was time to go for my lectures. I was in my third year at university. I often sat with a few of my good friends in the lecture theatre. My friends were chatting excitedly when I got there. One of them had just started going out with a guy from the Economics faculty. Two others had boyfriends too. One of them asked me, "What about you Dina, have you met anybody yet?" "I don't think I will find my guy here on campus.

I call this exercise, "holding the feeling of abundance". This is a both expectation and acting as if. It may sound weird at first, but it does work. But you have to have full belief in this. That is important. Belief is so powerful. You can accomplish so much when you fully believe in something. So believe in this, and watch the magic happen.

They have developed a habit of positive thinking that banishes any doubts they may have and this keeps them enthusiastic and motivated. This attitude attracts more success because that is what they are focusing on and what they have come to expect.For most people, success comes with hard, smart work coupled with a positive attitude and positive action. Then the law of attraction will work by drawing positive things and positive people to you, which will accelerate your success development. Fill your mind with great expectations in the firm belief you can attain them and you will be presented with all the opportunities you need.

So far we have created an image of what you desire, in this case we are talking about money. We then act as if, so that our sub-conscious mind starts to believe this new reality of yours. We want to think of this vision as much as possible. This doesn't mean going into detail all the time, but just think of it. Hold the vision so that you smile all the time. Hold this vision with faith and expectancy that it will come. By holding this vision, you are holding the feeling of abundance. And when you can hold the feeling of abundance the majority of the time, you will attract so many good things into your life. And you have to expect to receive money. If you just think about money, without expecting it, you are merely just wishing for money. And guess what? Everyone does that. And when you wish, it sometimes gives off the vibration of lack, instead of abundance. So what does the Law of Attraction bring? Lack. So expect money, and the Law of Attraction will bring money of some sorts to you.

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