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Female Ab Workout: For Mothers after Giving Birth

By Kent Henry

Like the millions of women worldwide, you as a woman at some point may feel the need of a female ab workout post pregnancy routine maybe because of the shape of your stomach after giving birth or for any other reasons. Take away all your apprehensions you can still reclaim the stunning figure that you once had! However be informed that it is certainly not an easy task to regain the muscle strength you had before pregnancy. The post partum period is an important time to take action and begin the right kind of exercise to help your abdomen muscles regain their strength. But don't rush out and start to work lower abs just yet. You must first understand clearly the state of your abdomen after giving birth, when you can begin to exercise and what kind of exercise is appropriate.

Never engage in any post pregnancy female ab workout without your physician?s approval. Generally it will take a minimum of six weeks before anyone can do any physical exercises most especially those who underwent a caesarian operation. Earlier than that your surgical wound should be fresh and fragile so that you need to take extra care not to worsen the situation. And with that keep in mind that the customary routines such as the traditional sit-ups and crunches are not appropriate for new mothers. Crunches and traditional sit-ups will not fit because when you do these routines you can exert intense pressure even on certain areas that are still delicate as far as your condition is concern.

You can begin your exercise with less intense routines and then stepping up to a more rigid exercise as your muscles gain strength. Take one step at a time and never dash off. Relax you do not need to speed up when you are not comfortable with the exercises, and breathing rhythms yet.

There are six different muscle parts in our stomach. As the pregnancy stage develops these muscle parts breaks up to do specific functions. This development gives room for the developing tummy by pushing the stomach muscles along the two sides of the stomach. When you give birth, a muscle called the transverse abdominis will help the separated muscle to contract and pull them together from the inside. So that when you try to consider female ab workout routines look for those exercises that would not just work your lower abs but will also strengthen and pull together these very important tissues.

There are quite a few ab routine you could choose from like the single leg circles, single leg plank, quarter curls, quarter curls with rotation, toe taps, etc. However for starters you can try pelvic tilt, long legs stretch, and scissor legs among others. These three routines when done consistently 10 to 15 times each session should provide the muscle strength you need as you accelerate your ab routine. Stay focused and determined as you follow these female ab workout routines.

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