The first time it will certainly catch you off guard, as a sensation starts to come over your body that you will not recognize. It may be a fear, a rapid heartbeat, your face may feel flush, your hands may tingle, and you may become out of breath. You may feel hot flashes or feel like you're going crazy. You usually will have an urge to run away or escape the situation that you're in. It can be sheer terror. However, usually there is no danger at all.
If you have had any experience with this at all, you may well recognize some of what I just described as a panic attack, or anxiety attack. It may be triggered by a real event such as being stuck in an elevator, or being in a very tightly crowded space, or some other circumstance. However, a major problem is that many times the darn thing doesn't seem to be triggered by anything. It seems to come out of the blue grabbing you from behind and taking you on an emotional ride that you have no desire to take.
"Well, my goodness, Greg, I think your talking about some weird folks now." Actually, no. I'm talking about normal, confident, successful people from all walks of life that it can happen to. In any given year almost 2.5 million people can suffer from anxiety attacks in the U.S. However, as the stressful environments of our lifestyles continue, and as people are many times embarrassed by this condition, I can't help but believe the numbers are much higher.
Well, it was a long time ago when I had my last full on anxiety attack. But, I can remember those things well. I remember the terror of those intense moments, not understanding what was going on, but just being afraid - fear like you can't imagine - and you don't know why. Then, what's worse is that you spend many days, weeks, or months fearing that it will occur again at any time. You live in fear and dread of that moment. It's the type of thing that may keep people in their homes more and keep them from engaging in the fun social events that they should be attending. If for nothing else, that's the very reason that you should do everything in your power not to let panic or anxiety win in your life.
Well, how about some good news? Today we find ourselves with more information, more treatment options, and the medical and psychological community are much more experienced with dealing with anxiety attacks than years ago. There are even some great programs online. So, if you find yourself dealing with this aggravating and frightening disorder, don't let it take the fun and enjoyment away from your life. Find your way out through professional help. See your doctor. See a counselor or psychologist trained in this field, or perhaps a well trained psychiatrist who might even suggest medication for a time. But, please don't let this thing win! Sometimes issues of anxiety can bring embarrassment, and they shouldn't. However, if they do, don't you dare let that stop you from getting the proper help, facing this condition and winning!
Please don't let panic or anxiety hold you hostage in your life. You don't deserve to live a life of fear. Get help for your anxiety or panic attacks and don't wait any longer to do so. As stated, there are many professionals who can help. There are also some well trained ministers as well. Just remember that there are millions of other people who are dealing with the same issues. And also remember that you don't have to continue to deal with this condition indefinitely. Don't settle for a lesser quality of life than you deserve. Get busy and get help if that is what you need. Say a firm "no" to panic and anxiety, and especially those attacks. You can win. You ARE a winner!
If you have had any experience with this at all, you may well recognize some of what I just described as a panic attack, or anxiety attack. It may be triggered by a real event such as being stuck in an elevator, or being in a very tightly crowded space, or some other circumstance. However, a major problem is that many times the darn thing doesn't seem to be triggered by anything. It seems to come out of the blue grabbing you from behind and taking you on an emotional ride that you have no desire to take.
"Well, my goodness, Greg, I think your talking about some weird folks now." Actually, no. I'm talking about normal, confident, successful people from all walks of life that it can happen to. In any given year almost 2.5 million people can suffer from anxiety attacks in the U.S. However, as the stressful environments of our lifestyles continue, and as people are many times embarrassed by this condition, I can't help but believe the numbers are much higher.
Well, it was a long time ago when I had my last full on anxiety attack. But, I can remember those things well. I remember the terror of those intense moments, not understanding what was going on, but just being afraid - fear like you can't imagine - and you don't know why. Then, what's worse is that you spend many days, weeks, or months fearing that it will occur again at any time. You live in fear and dread of that moment. It's the type of thing that may keep people in their homes more and keep them from engaging in the fun social events that they should be attending. If for nothing else, that's the very reason that you should do everything in your power not to let panic or anxiety win in your life.
Well, how about some good news? Today we find ourselves with more information, more treatment options, and the medical and psychological community are much more experienced with dealing with anxiety attacks than years ago. There are even some great programs online. So, if you find yourself dealing with this aggravating and frightening disorder, don't let it take the fun and enjoyment away from your life. Find your way out through professional help. See your doctor. See a counselor or psychologist trained in this field, or perhaps a well trained psychiatrist who might even suggest medication for a time. But, please don't let this thing win! Sometimes issues of anxiety can bring embarrassment, and they shouldn't. However, if they do, don't you dare let that stop you from getting the proper help, facing this condition and winning!
Please don't let panic or anxiety hold you hostage in your life. You don't deserve to live a life of fear. Get help for your anxiety or panic attacks and don't wait any longer to do so. As stated, there are many professionals who can help. There are also some well trained ministers as well. Just remember that there are millions of other people who are dealing with the same issues. And also remember that you don't have to continue to deal with this condition indefinitely. Don't settle for a lesser quality of life than you deserve. Get busy and get help if that is what you need. Say a firm "no" to panic and anxiety, and especially those attacks. You can win. You ARE a winner!
About the Author:
Receive much more encouragement about dealing with an anxiety attack from B. G. Sloan. In addition take a look at Dema McCrae and his website at Unique version for reprint here: Don't Let Anxiety Attacks Rule.
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