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Without An Expert In MS Excel Consulting Sacramento Companies Cannot Use Their Data

By Kimberly Murray

One wonders how on earth businesses used to cope without computers. Today, even tiny home based businesses depend heavily on computer technology to communicate, to bank, to do their marketing and to generate all the various documents that form an integral part of any business transaction. In business, it all comes down to numbers and when it comes to numbers it comes to spreadsheet programs. With MS Excel consulting Sacramento businesses can definitely make better use of their numerical data.

Spreadsheets, albeit in a primitive form, have been used for ages to perform various calculations. Of course, these days computers are used to perform calculations, using sophisticated spreadsheet programs. These programs allow users to perform a very wide variety of calculations and to generate business solutions. Sadly, many people and businesses never use spreadsheets because they think that they need advanced mathematical skills in order to do so.

Even complete novices and those that struggle performing basic mathematical calculations can use spreadsheets effectively. This is because they are supplied with a wide variety of templates. Templates are business documents such as expense statements, invoices, pay slips and many others that are already formatted with all the required calculations in place. The user simply types the relevant data into the blank spaces and all the calculations are performed automatically.

There is much more to spreadsheets than easy to use templates, however. They are very powerful tools that can perform multiple calculations and they have advanced features that allow experienced users to manipulate data in many different ways and to produce statistics that can be extremely useful in making sound business decisions. This requires a sound mathematical and statistical background however and that is why companies hire spreadsheet consultants.

Spreadsheet consultants earn very high fees but they need years of experience and an extensive knowledge in many fields in order to be successful. They need to comprehend the needs of businesses, they need to be competent programmers and they have to have a solid grounding in mathematics and statistics. Above all, they need to be able to make a real difference to the competitiveness and profitability of their clients.

All businesses accumulate a wide variety of data over time. Old invoices, sales orders, balance sheets, budgets and quotations, to name just a few, all contain valuable historical data. Most companies do not know how to use this data productively, partly because they are stored in many different formats and at different places. A spreadsheet consultant knows how to consolidate all this data in order to create practical business solutions.

Great care should be taken to appoint a consultant that can be discreet and treat valuable company information as strictly confidential. He will need access to all the data in possession of the company. He should be asked to submit a proposal detailing the exact nature of the work that he will perform and the time line within which he plans to do so. It is always a good idea to ask for references.

When a business is able to use historical data to plan for the future, they often gain an edge over their competition. Spreadsheet consultants can help them gain this edge. They can certainly use and manipulate existing data in order to create new sets of information that can be extremely useful.

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