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The Benefits Of Automated Meter Reading Billing Software

By Nancy Gardner

This is a technology that is widely used by power suppliers, water suppliers and gas suppliers to manage their power and water consumption and also help them to determine their production levels or optimal production levels. They involve automated data collection, reading status gauge and diagnostic of meters from these automated gadgets. The data collected has to be sent back to a central station for editing, trouble shooting and billing. The technology has enable the user to save on cost since they no longer have to travel to individual locations to be able to get the reading. Automated meter reading billing software is linked to database and it constantly updates the master file.

This technology for measuring come in various types that is the handheld, wireless, radio frequency and other devices that utilize network not forgetting transmission through power. A lot of people before did not embrace this technology but now they have come to know of it benefit and are using it.

Another type of indicator reader is mobile mostly known as drive by. This type of gauge is attached to motor vehicles. This indicator reader directs the car while the installed gauge reading device collects the reading automatically. Satellite based transmitters can be fixed next to already existing meters.

Handheld gauge reading device is a relatively small computer and it can also be equipment that that are utilized by meters to keep track of indicator reading from meters. The readings after they are recorded by this small computer they are transmitted electronically into a central database. Then some installed software enables the user to carry out some formatting and editing on the transmitted data.

Another way of data transmission is through the use of power line. This method enables electronic data to be sent through power line to a nearby substation, and then the substation transmits the data back to the central computer located in main office. This is a fixed network.

Automated meter hosting is an office remedy which enables the user to monitor closely his or her water or gas consumption from the comfort of their homes through the use of internet. Such system uses data which is collected and transmitted on real time basis and is managed in a database by software for data acquisition. The users only have to log in into the service providers website and view the information. Data from web application can be analyzed by use of analyzing tariffs, charting profiles and utility bill.

Another automated device that is in operation is the use of radio network frequency which comes in many forms. The common ones involve satellite and solutions based on fixed network.

This radio transceiver will send a signal to transmitter booting it up. The transceiver attached to gauge will send radio signal and receive the same. These transmitters can either transmit data one way or use continuous broadcast where the data is sent continuously as it occurs. There is a hybrid system that integrates both two way and one way technologies.

There are a few limitations with this system though, the first one is that utility can sometimes limit the amount apportioned to users, some programs are limited to certain geographical area hence shutting off some users, there is privacy invasion, the system can be hacked into as it is being transmitted, it minimizes reliability and promotes information redundancy.

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