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Aids can be seen from the mouth

Aids is a highly contagious disease cypress and mass murderers. some of us sometimes do not know definitely secaara AIDS. Here I describe the characteristics of people infected with AIDS in the oral cavity.
AIDS is a collection of symptoms a disease characterized by destruction of the immune system so vulnerable to various infections. AIDS caused by the virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Until now, there can be known with certainty from which start AIDS outbreaks. The disease AIDS is not transmitted through casual contact, but is transmitted through sexual contact, contact with infected blood HIV and through a needle or other medical equipment contaminated with HIV. Conversely AIDS can not be transmitted through insect bites, beverages, or regular contact within the family, school, swimming renanng, public toilet or workplace with AIDS patients.
Clinical symptoms of AIDS AIDS has a broad spectrum of clinical picture. In the early early symptoms are flu-like symptoms. Patients who feel tired Prolonged and without cause, lymph glands dileher, armpits, swollen groin for months and months, decreased appetite / lost continuous fever reaching 39 degrees Celsius or sweating on evenings, diarrhea, weight loss tampa reasons, black wounds on the skin or mucous membranes that are not biased ssembuh, persistent cough and in the throat, easy bruising or bleeding without cause. Symptoms the beginning is often called AIDS Related Complex (ARC). When the circumstances of this disease increases, other malignant disease develops, such as pneumonia (penumocytis carinii), thrush esophagus, cytomegalovirus or herpes, sarcoma sarcoma, tumors Malignant blood vessel.
Dirongga oral manifestations of AIDS Approximately 95% of AIDS patients have manifestations in the head area and neck as well as by Shiod and Pinborg 1987. Manifestations in the mouth often an early sign of HIV infesi
Infections due to fungi (Oral Candidiasis) Kandiasi nulut this far is a sign at the mouth of the most frequently found both in patients with AIDS or AIDS related complex (ARC) and a sign of clinical manifestations in patients with risk group tinggipada over 59% of cases. Oral thrush in AIDS patients can be seen in the form of oral thrush, acute atrophic candidiasis, chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, and stomatis angularis (Perleche).
Viral Infections Infections due to herpes virus group most often seen in AIDS patients and ARC. Virus infection in patients can be seen in the form stomatis herpetiformis, herpes zoster, hairy leukoplakia, cytomegalovirus.
Infections due to bacteria Infections with bacteria can be either HIV or HIV-necrotizing gingivitis periodontitis. a. HIV-necrotizing gingivitis HIV-necrotizing gingivitis can be found in patients with AIDS or ARC. These lesions may be hidden or sudden bleeding time accompanied brushing teeth, pain and halitosis. Necrotizing gingivitis most frequently on the anterior gingiva. On this situation, the sovereign, when interdental and gingival edge will appear red, swelling, or grayish yellow because of necrosis, often bakan ulcrerative severe necrotizing gingivitis and periodontal disease progressive despite oral hygiene and well preserved despite given antibiotics.
b. HIV periodontitis Periodontal disease may take place in a progressive is an early indicator that can be found in HIV infection. Dentist should diagnose early alveolar bone destruction process with a commitment to consider the possibility of HIV infection adnya. This is caused mainly by the fact that some patients AIDS is experiencing rapid alveolar bone destruction.
Neoplasms Kaposi's sarcoma associated with AIDS appears to be a disease a more malignant and usually has spread at the time of initial diagnosis. Approximately 40% of AIDS patients with Kaposi sarcoma died within akn approximately one year and is usually accompanied by other infections opotunistik (Eg pneumocystic carinii, fungi, viruses, bacteria). Oral manifestations sarcoma sarcoma is usually an early sign of AIDS and generally (50%) were found in the mouth of homosexual men. In addition to the mouth, sarcoma This can also be found in the skin of head and neck. Kaposi's sarcoma in the mouth usually seen first as the macula, nodules and plaques are flat or prominent, usually berbewntuk circle and red or purplish. Located on the palate and the size of only a few millimeters up to centimeter. Irregular shape, can be single or multiple and usually asintomatik, so that newly perceived by the patient if the lesion had become quite large.
Other abnormalities in the mouth These abnormalities is not known why, can arise in the form: a. Stomatis aphtosa recurrent, especially the type of major. b. Necrotic ulcer that extends to fausia. c. Xerostomia d. Parotid gland enlargement, especially the children of AIDS patients. e. Idiophatic thrombocytopenia purpura. f. Facial palsy g. Mucosal Addisonian hyperpigmentation h. Lymphadenopathy submandibula. i. Hyperpigmentation melanotik j. Healing old wounds k. Babies who are born with AIDS infection can be deformed faces.

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1 komentar:

Anonymous said... Reply Comment

Re: Bad breath I had it for about 18 years. I was Ms. unpopular. For a long time I was thinking my life was not worth living. I tried every product I could buy and found they were no help at all, even the ones that cost $200 per month. I didn’t think to read about it on the web until one day a person I didn’t even know told me I had really bad breath and said she had it once too and told me to check online for a site called OralTech Labs as it worked to cure her bad breath. I was thinking how nice she was as most people just hold their nose and walk away from me. Anyway I followed advice and after a week I noticed my tongue started turning red and the bad taste was gone from my mouth. I started noticing people had stopped holding their nose and trying to get away from me. A few months later I bumped into her again. I told her I used her advice and thought it worked, she asked me to breath out in to her face while she smelt it and she is like smiling and said my breaths is fresh now. I hugged her, I didn’t tell her what I was thinking just a few months earlier, but her and that site was a life saver to me. Don’t let bad breath ruin your life like it tried to do to me. Another site I found useful is HomeBadBreathTest it shows you how to test your breath without leaving home. When I asked my Doctor who is an EMT bacterial researcher about the site he said it’s the oral research laboratories and there are 3 websites publishing the monthly reports from Oraltech Labs. I said why didn’t he tell me before? He said I didn’t ask him, which was true. He said all bad breath sufferers should visit OralTech Labs website as his clients (including me) report very good oral health outcomes after following their advice. Anyway I Hope this helps you, Jenny Wilson, SD.

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